Sifrol er


There is no clinical experience with significant overdosage. One patient took 11 mg/day of pramipexole for 2 days in a clinical trial for an investigational use. Blood pressure remained stable, although pulse rate increased to between 100 and 120 beats/minute. No other adverse reactions were reported related to the increased dose.

There is no known antidote for overdosage of a dopamine agonist. If signs of central nervous system stimulation are present, a phenothiazine or other butyrophenone neuroleptic agent may be indicated; the efficacy of such drugs in reversing the effects of overdosage has not been assessed. Management of overdose may require general supportive measures along with gastric lavage, intravenous fluids, and electrocardiogram monitoring.

Sifrol ER price

We have no data on the cost of the drug.
However, we will provide data for each active ingredient


Not applicable.

Undesirable effects

Coated tablet; Prolonged-release tabletEye ointmentPillsSustained-release tablets

Based on the analysis of pooled placebo-controlled trials, comprising a total of 1,923 patients on pramipexole and 1,354 patients on placebo, adverse drug reactions were frequently reported for both groups. 63% of patients on pramipexole and 52% of patients on placebo reported at least one adverse drug reaction.

The majority of adverse drug reactions usually start early in therapy and most tend to disappear even as therapy is continued.

Within the system organ classes, adverse reactions are listed under headings of frequency (number of patients expected to experience the reaction), using the following categories: very common (> 1/10); common (> 1/100 to < 1/10); uncommon (> 1/1,000 to < 1/100); rare (> 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000); very rare (< 1/10,000); not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

Parkinson's disease, most common adverse reactions

The most commonly (> 5%) reported adverse drug reactions in patients with Parkinson's disease more frequent with pramipexole treatment than with placebo were nausea, dyskinesia, hypotension, dizziness, somnolence, insomnia, constipation, hallucination, headache and fatigue. The incidence of somnolence is increased at doses higher than 1.5 mg pramipexole salt per day. A more frequent adverse drug reaction in combination with levodopa was dyskinesia. Hypotension may occur at the beginning of treatment, especially if pramipexole is titrated too fast.

Table 1: Parkinson's disease

Body System

Very common



(>1/100 to <1/10)


(>1/1,000 to < 1/100)


(>1/10,000 to <1/1,000)

Not known

Infections and infestations


Endocrine disorders

inappropriate antidiuretic

hormone secretion1

Psychiatric disorders



abnormal dreams


behavioural symptoms of impulse control disorders and compulsions

compulsive shopping

pathological gambling




libido disorder



binge eating1



Nervous system disorders





sudden onset of sleep




Eye disorders

visual impairment including diplopia

vision blurred

visual acuity reduced

Cardiac disorders

cardiac failure1

Vascular disorders


Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders



Gastrointestinal disorders




Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders




General disorders and administration site conditions


peripheral oedema

Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome including apathy, anxiety, depression, fatigue, sweating and pain.


weight decrease including decreased appetite

weight increase

1 This side effect has been observed in post-marketing experience. With 95 % certainty, the frequency category is not greater than uncommon, but might be lower. A precise frequency estimation is not possible as the side effect did not occur in a clinical trial database of 2,762 patients with Parkinson's Disease treated with pramipexole.

Restless Legs Syndrome, most common adverse reactions

The most commonly (> 5%) reported adverse drug reactions in patients with Restless Legs Syndrome treated with pramipexole were nausea, headache, dizziness and fatigue. Nausea and fatigue were more often reported in female patients treated with Sifrol ER (20.8% and 10.5%, respectively) compared to males (6.7% and 7.3%, respectively).

Table 2: Restless Legs Syndrome

Body System

Very common



(>1/100 to <1/10)


(>1/1,000 to < 1/100)

Not known

Infections and infestations


Endocrine disorders

inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion1

Psychiatric disorders


abnormal dreams




libido disorder






behavioural symptoms of impulse control disorders and compulsions1 (such as: compulsive shopping, pathological gambling, hypersexuality, binge eating)

Nervous system disorders




sudden onset of sleep





Eye disorders

visual impairment including visual acuity reduced


vision blurred

Cardiac disorders

cardiac failure1

Vascular disorders


Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders



Gastrointestinal disorders




Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders




General disorders and administration site conditions


peripheral oedema

Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome including apathy, anxiety, depression, fatigue, sweating and pain


weight decrease including decreased appetite

weight increase

1 This side effect has been observed in post-marketing experience. With 95 % certainty, the frequency category is not greater than uncommon, but might be lower. A precise frequency estimation is not possible as the side effect did not occur in a clinical trial database of 1,395 patients with Restless Legs Syndrome treated with pramipexole

Description of selected adverse reactions


Libido disorders

Pramipexole may uncommonly be associated with libido disorders (increased or decreased).

Impulse control disorders

Pathological gambling, increased libido, hypersexuality, compulsive spending or buying, binge eating and compulsive eating can occur in patients treated with dopamine agonists including Sifrol ER.

In a cross-sectional, retrospective screening and case-control study including 3,090 Parkinson's disease patients, 13.6% of all patients receiving dopaminergic or non-dopaminergic treatment had symptoms of an impulse control disorder during the past six months. Manifestations observed include pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, binge eating, and compulsive sexual behaviour (hypersexuality). Possible independent risk factors for impulse control disorders included dopaminergic treatments and higher doses of dopaminergic treatment, younger age ( ≤ 65 years), not being married and self-reported family history of gambling behaviours.

Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome

Non-motor adverse effects may occur when tapering or discontinuing dopamine agonists including pramipexole. Symptoms include apathy, anxiety, depression, fatigue, sweating and pain.

Cardiac failure

In clinical studies and post-marketing experience cardiac failure has been reported in patients with pramipexole. In a pharmacoepidemiological study pramipexole use was associated with an increased risk of cardiac failure compared with non-use of pramipexole (observed risk ratio 1.86; 95% CI, 1.21-2.85).

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via:

United Kingdom

Yellow Card Scheme

Website: or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store


HPRA Pharmacovigilance

Earlsfort Terrace

IRL - Dublin 2

Tel: +353 1 6764971

Fax: +353 1 6762517


e-mail: [email protected]


ADR Reporting


Expected adverse effects

The following adverse reactions are expected under the use of pramipexole: abnormal dreams, amnesia, behavioural symptoms of impulse control disorders and compulsions such as binge eating, compulsive shopping, hypersexuality and pathological gambling; cardiac failure, confusion, constipation, delusion, dizziness, dyskinesia, dyspnoea, fatigue, hallucinations, headache, hiccups, hyperkinesia, hyperphagia, hypotension, inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, insomnia, libido disorders, nausea, paranoia, peripheral oedema, pneumonia, pruritus, rash and other hypersensitivity; restlessness, somnolence, sudden onset of sleep, syncope, visual impairment including diplopia, vision blurred and visual acuity reduced, vomiting, weight decrease including decreased appetite, weight increase.

Based on the analysis of pooled placebo-controlled trials, comprising a total of 1,923 patients on pramipexole and 1,354 patients on placebo, adverse drug reactions were frequently reported for both groups. 63 % of patients on pramipexole and 52% of patients on placebo reported at least one adverse drug reaction.

Tables 1 and 2 display the frequency of adverse reactions from placebo-controlled clinical trials. The adverse reactions reported in these tables are those events that occurred in 0,1% or more of patients treated with pramipexole and were reported significantly more often in patients taking pramipexole than placebo, or where the event was considered clinically relevant. However, the majority of common adverse reactions were mild to moderate, they usually start early in therapy, and most tended to disappear even as therapy was continued.

Within the system organ classes, adverse reactions are listed under headings of frequency (number of patients expected to experience the reaction), using the following categories: very common (> 1/10); common (> 1/100, < 1/10); uncommon (> 1/1,000, < 1/100); rare (> 1/10,000, < 1/1,000); very rare (< 1/10,000).

Parkinson's disease, most common adverse effects

The most commonly (>5%) reported adverse reactions in patients with Parkinson's disease more frequent with pramipexole treatment than with placebo were nausea, dyskinesia, hypotension, dizziness, somnolence, insomnia, constipation, hallucination, headache and fatigue. The incidence of somnolence is increased at doses higher than 1.5 mg/day. More frequent adverse drug reaction in combination with levodopa was dyskinesia. Hypotension may occur at the beginning of treatment, especially if pramipexole is titrated too fast.

Table 1: Parkinson's disease

System Organ Class

Adverse Drug Reaction

Infections and infestations



Endocrine disorders


inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion1

Psychiatric disorders


abnormal dreams, behavioural symptoms of impulse control disorders and compulsions, confusion, hallucinations, insomnia


binge eating1, compulsive shopping, delusion, hyperphagia1, hypersexuality, libido disorder, paranoia, pathological gambling, restlessness, delirium



Nervous system disorders

Very common

dizziness, dyskinesia, somnolence




amnesia, hyperkinesia, sudden onset of sleep, syncope

Eye disorders


visual impairment including diplopia, vision blurred and visual acuity reduced

Cardiac disorders


cardiac failure1

Vascular disorders



Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders


dyspnoea, hiccups

Gastrointestinal disorders

Very common



constipation, vomiting

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders


hypersensitivity, pruritus, rash

General disorders and administration site conditions


fatigue, peripheral oedema



weight decrease including decreased appetite


weight increase

1 This side effect has been observed in post-marketing experience. With 95 % certainty, the frequency category is not greater than uncommon, but might be lower. A precise frequency estimation is not possible as the side effect did not occur in a clinical trial database of 2,762 patients with Parkinson's Disease treated with pramipexole.

Other indication, most common adverse effects

The most commonly (> 5%) reported adverse drug reactions in patients with other indication treated with pramipexole were nausea, headache, dizziness and fatigue. Nausea and fatigue were more often reported in female patients (20.8% and 10.5%, respectively) compared to males (6.7% and 7.3%, respectively).

Table 2: Other indication

System Organ Class

Adverse Drug Reaction

Infections and infestations



Endocrine disorders


inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion1

Psychiatric disorders


abnormal dreams, insomnia


behavioural symptoms of impulse control disorders and compulsions such as binge eating, compulsive shopping, hypersexuality, and pathological gambling1; confusion, delusion1, hallucinations, hyperphagia1, libido disorder, paranoia1, restlessness, mania1, delirium1

Nervous system disorders


dizziness, headache, somnolence


amnesia1, dyskinesia, hyperkinesia1, sudden onset of sleep, syncope

Eye disorders


visual impairment including diplopia, vision blurred and visual acuity reduced

Cardiac disorders


cardiac failure1

Vascular disorders



Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders


dyspnoea, hiccups

Gastrointestinal disorders

Very common



constipation, vomiting

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders


hypersensitivity, pruritus, rash

General disorders and administration site conditions




peripheral oedema



weight decrease including decreased appetite, weight increase

1 This side effect has been observed in post-marketing experience. With 95 % certainty, the frequency category is not greater than uncommon, but might be lower. A precise frequency estimation is not possible as the side effect did not occur in a clinical trial database of 1,395 patients with other indication treated with pramipexole.


Libido disorders

Pramipexole may be associated with libido disorders (increased or decreased).

Impulse control disorders

Pathological gambling, increased libido, hypersexuality, compulsive spending or buying, binge eating and compulsive eating can occur in patients treated with dopamine agonists including Sifrol ER.

In a cross-sectional, retrospective screening and case-control study including 3090 Parkinson's disease patients, 13.6% of all patients receiving dopaminergic or non-dopaminergic treatment had symptoms of an impulse control disorder during the past six months. Manifestations observed include pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, binge eating, and compulsive sexual behaviour (hypersexuality). Possible independent risk factors for impulse control disorders included dopaminergic treatments and higher doses of dopaminergic treatment, younger age (≤ 65 years), not being married and self-reported family history of gambling behaviours.

Cardiac failure

In clinical studies and post-marketing experience cardiac failure has been reported in patients with pramipexole. In a pharmacoepidemiological study pramipexole use was associated with an increased risk of cardiac failure compared with non-use of pramipexole (observed risk ratio 1.86; 95% CI, 1.21-2.85).

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the national reporting system listed in Appendix V.

Based on the analysis of pooled placebo-controlled trials, comprising a total of 1,923 patients on pramipexole and 1,354 patients on placebo, adverse drug reactions were frequently reported for both groups. 63% of patients on pramipexole and 52% of patients on placebo reported at least one adverse drug reaction.

The majority of adverse drug reactions usually start early in therapy and most tend to disappear even as therapy is continued.

Within the system organ classes, adverse reactions are listed under headings of frequency (number of patients expected to experience the reaction), using the following categories: very common (> 1/10); common (> 1/100 to < 1/10); uncommon (> 1/1,000 to < 1/100); rare (> 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000); very rare (< 1/10,000); not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

Parkinson's disease, most common adverse reactions

The most commonly (> 5%) reported adverse drug reactions in patients with Parkinson's disease more frequent with pramipexole treatment than with placebo were nausea, dyskinesia, hypotension, dizziness, somnolence, insomnia, constipation, hallucination, headache and fatigue. The incidence of somnolence is increased at doses higher than 1.5 mg pramipexole salt per day. A more frequent adverse drug reaction in combination with levodopa was dyskinesia. Hypotension may occur at the beginning of treatment, especially if pramipexole is titrated too fast.

Table 1: Parkinson's disease

Body System

Very common



(>1/100 to <1/10)


(>1/1,000 to < 1/100)


(>1/10,000 to <1/1,000)

Not known

Infections and infestations


Endocrine disorders

inappropriate antidiuretic

hormone secretion1

Psychiatric disorders



abnormal dreams


behavioural symptoms of impulse control disorders and compulsions

compulsive shopping

pathological gambling




libido disorder



binge eating1



Nervous system disorders





sudden onset of sleep




Eye disorders

visual impairment including diplopia

vision blurred

visual acuity reduced

Cardiac disorders

cardiac failure1

Vascular disorders


Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders



Gastrointestinal disorders




Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders




General disorders and administration site conditions


peripheral oedema

Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome including apathy, anxiety, depression, fatigue, sweating and pain.


weight decrease including decreased appetite

weight increase

1 This side effect has been observed in post-marketing experience. With 95 % certainty, the frequency category is not greater than uncommon, but might be lower. A precise frequency estimation is not possible as the side effect did not occur in a clinical trial database of 2,762 patients with Parkinson's Disease treated with pramipexole.

Restless Legs Syndrome, most common adverse reactions

The most commonly (> 5%) reported adverse drug reactions in patients with Restless Legs Syndrome treated with pramipexole were nausea, headache, dizziness and fatigue. Nausea and fatigue were more often reported in female patients treated with Sifrol ERIN (20.8% and 10.5%, respectively) compared to males (6.7% and 7.3%, respectively).

Table 2: Restless Legs Syndrome

Body System

Very common



(>1/100 to <1/10)


(>1/1,000 to < 1/100)

Not known

Infections and infestations


Endocrine disorders

inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion1

Psychiatric disorders


abnormal dreams




libido disorder






behavioural symptoms of impulse control disorders and compulsions1 (such as: compulsive shopping, pathological gambling, hypersexuality, binge eating)

Nervous system disorders




sudden onset of sleep





Eye disorders

visual impairment including visual acuity reduced


vision blurred

Cardiac disorders

cardiac failure1

Vascular disorders


Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders



Gastrointestinal disorders




Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders




General disorders and administration site conditions


peripheral oedema

Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome including apathy, anxiety, depression, fatigue, sweating and pain


weight decrease including decreased appetite

weight increase

1 This side effect has been observed in post-marketing experience. With 95 % certainty, the frequency category is not greater than uncommon, but might be lower. A precise frequency estimation is not possible as the side effect did not occur in a clinical trial database of 1,395 patients with Restless Legs Syndrome treated with pramipexole

Description of selected adverse reactions


Libido disorders

Pramipexole may uncommonly be associated with libido disorders (increased or decreased).

Impulse control disorders

Pathological gambling, increased libido, hypersexuality, compulsive spending or buying, binge eating and compulsive eating can occur in patients treated with dopamine agonists including Sifrol ERIN.

In a cross-sectional, retrospective screening and case-control study including 3,090 Parkinson's disease patients, 13.6% of all patients receiving dopaminergic or non-dopaminergic treatment had symptoms of an impulse control disorder during the past six months. Manifestations observed include pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, binge eating, and compulsive sexual behaviour (hypersexuality). Possible independent risk factors for impulse control disorders included dopaminergic treatments and higher doses of dopaminergic treatment, younger age ( ≤ 65 years), not being married and self-reported family history of gambling behaviours.

Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome

Non-motor adverse effects may occur when tapering or discontinuing dopamine agonists including pramipexole. Symptoms include apathy, anxiety, depression, fatigue, sweating and pain.

Cardiac failure

In clinical studies and post-marketing experience cardiac failure has been reported in patients with pramipexole. In a pharmacoepidemiological study pramipexole use was associated with an increased risk of cardiac failure compared with non-use of pramipexole (observed risk ratio 1.86; 95% CI, 1.21-2.85).

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via:

United Kingdom

Yellow Card Scheme

Website: or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store


HPRA Pharmacovigilance

Earlsfort Terrace

IRL - Dublin 2

Tel: +353 1 6764971

Fax: +353 1 6762517


e-mail: [email protected]


ADR Reporting


The following adverse reactions are discussed in greater detail in other sections of the labeling:

  • Falling Asleep During Activities of Daily Living and Somnolence
  • Symptomatic Orthostatic Hypotension
  • Impulse Control/Compulsive Behaviors
  • Hallucinations and Psychotic-like Behavior
  • Dyskinesia
  • Rhabdomyolysis
  • Retinal Pathology
  • Events Reported with Dopaminergic Therapy
Clinical Trials Experience

Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug (or of another development program of a different formulation of the same drug) and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.

During the premarketing development of Sifrol ER tablets, patients with early Parkinson's disease were treated with Sifrol ER tablets, placebo, or immediate-release pramipexole tablets. In addition, a randomized, double-blind, parallel group trial was conducted in 156 early Parkinson's disease patients (Hoehn & Yahr Stages I-III) to assess overnight switching of immediate-release pramipexole tablets to Sifrol ER tablets. In this latter study, concomitant treatment with stable doses of levodopa, monoamine oxidase B inhibitor (MAOB-I) drugs, anticholinergics, or amantadine, individually or in combination, was allowed. In a third trial, advanced Parkinson's disease patients received Sifrol ER tablets, placebo, or immediate-release pramipexole tablets as adjunctive therapy to levodopa.

Early Parkinson's Disease

The most common adverse reactions ( ≥ 5% and more frequent than placebo) after 33 weeks of treatment with Sifrol ER tablets in the trial of early Parkinson's disease patients were somnolence, nausea, constipation, dizziness, fatigue, hallucinations, dry mouth, muscle spasms, and peripheral edema.

Twenty four of 223 (11%) patients treated with Sifrol ER tablets for 33 weeks discontinued treatment due to adverse reactions compared to 4 of 103 (4%) patients who received placebo and approximately 20 of 213 (9%) patients who received immediate-release pramipexole tablets. The adverse reaction most commonly causing discontinuation of treatment with Sifrol ER tablets was nausea (2%).

Table 1 lists adverse reactions that occurred with a frequency of at least 2% with Sifrol ER and were more frequent than with placebo during 33 weeks of treatment in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in early Parkinson's disease. In this study, patients did not receive concomitant levodopa; however, levodopa was permitted as rescue medication.

Table 1 : Adverse-Reactions in a 33-Week Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial with Sifrol ER in Early Parkinson's Disease

Body System/Adverse Reaction Placebo
(n=103) %
Sifrol ER
(n=223) %
Immediate-Release Pramipexole
(n=213) %
Nervous system disorders
  Somnolence 15 36 33
  Dizziness 7 12 12
  Tremor 1 3 3
  Balance disorder 1 2 0
Gastrointestinal disorders
  Nausea 9 22 24
  Constipation 2 14 12
  Dry mouth 1 5 4
  Vomiting 0 4 4
  Upper abdominal pain 1 3 4
  Dyspepsia 2 3 3
  Abdominal discomfort 0 2 1
Psychiatric disorders
  Hallucinations, including visual, auditory and mixed 1 5 6
  Insomnia 3 4 4
  Sleep attacks or sudden onset of sleep 1 3 6
  Sleep disorder 1 2 3
  Depression 0 2 0
General disorders and administration site conditions
  Fatigue 4 6 6
  Peripheral edema 4 5 8
  Asthenia 2 3 1
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
  Muscle spasms 3 5 3
Injury, poisoning and procedural complications
  Fall 1 4 4
Ear and labyrinth disorders
  Vertigo 1 4 2
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders
  Cough 1 3 3
Metabolism and nutrition disorders
  Increased appetite 1 3 2
Vascular disorders
  Orthostatic hypotension 1 3 0

Because this study used a flexible dose titration design, it was not possible to assess the effects of dose on the incidence of adverse reactions.

Adverse reactions can initially occur in either the titration or maintenance phase. Some adverse reactions developed in Sifrol ER-treated patients during the titration phase and SHUVLVWHG.7 days) into the maintenance phase (i.e., Sifrol ER % -SODFHER WUHDWPHQW GLIIHUHQFH. SHUVLVWHQW DGYHUVH reactions were somnolence, nausea, constipation, fatigue, and dry mouth.

A double-blind, randomized, parallel group trial evaluated the tolerability of an overnight switch from immediate-release pramipexole tablets to Sifrol ER tablets at the same daily dose in 156 early Parkinson's disease patients with or without levodopa. One of 104 patients switched from immediate-release pramipexole tablets to Sifrol ER tablets discontinued due to adverse reactions (vertigo and nausea).

Advanced Parkinson's Disease

The most common adverse reactions. DQG JUHDWHU IUHTXHQF\ WKDQ LQ SODFHER GXULQJ ZHHNV RI WUHDWPHQW with Sifrol ER tablets in the trial of advanced Parkinson's disease patients with concomitant levodopa were dyskinesia, nausea, constipation, hallucinations, headache, and anorexia.

Eight of 164 (5%) patients treated with Sifrol ER tablets for 18 weeks discontinued treatment due to adverse reactions compared to 7 of 178 (4%) patients who received placebo and 8 of 175 (5%) patients who received immediate-release pramipexole tablets. The most common adverse reactions leading to discontinuation of treatment with Sifrol ER tablets were nausea (1%) and hallucination (1%).

Table 2 lists adverse reactions that occurred with a frequency of at least 2% with Sifrol ER and were more frequent than with placebo during 18 weeks of treatment in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease treated with Sifrol ER tablets. In this study, Sifrol ER tablets, immediate-release pramipexole tablets, or placebo was administered to patients who were also receiving concomitant levodopa.

Table 2 : Adverse-Reactions in an 18-Week Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial with Sifrol ER in Advanced Parkinson's Disease

Body System/Adverse Reaction Placebo
n=178 %
Sifrol ER
n=164 %
Immediate-Release Pramipexole
n=175 %
Nervous system disorders
  Dyskinesia 8 17 18
  Headache 3 7 4
  Dizziness (postural) 1 2 3
Gastrointestinal disorders
  Nausea 10 11 11
  Constipation 5 7 6
  Salivary hypersecretion 0 2 0
  Diarrhea 1 2 1
Psychiatric disorders
  Hallucinations, including visual, auditory and mixed 2 9 7
  Insomnia 2 4 4
Metabolism and nutrition disorders
  Anorexia 2 5 1
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
  Back pain 1 2 3

Because this flexible dose study used a titration design, it was not possible to assess the effects of dose on the incidence of adverse reactions.

Adverse reactions can initially occur in either the titration or maintenance phase. Some adverse reactions developed in Sifrol ER-treated patients during the titration phase and pHUVLVWHG. GD\V LQWR WKH maintenance phase (i.e., Sifrol ER % -SODFHER WUHDWPHQW GLIIHUHQFH. SHUVLVWHQW DGYHUVH reactions were dyskinesia and insomnia.

Laboratory Tests

During the development of Sifrol ER tablets, no systematic abnormalities on routine laboratory testing were noted.

Other adverse reactions observed during clinical trials of MIRAPEX immediate-release or Sifrol ER in early and advanced Parkinson's disease

Other adverse reactions in clinical studies involving MIRAPEX immediate-release or Sifrol ER tablets include abnormal dreams, akathisia, amnesia, decreased libido, decreased weight, dyspnea, pneumonia, and vision abnormalities.

Postmarketing Experience

The following adverse reactions have been identified during post-approval use of MIRAPEX immediate-release or Sifrol ER tablets, primarily in Parkinson's disease patients. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure. Decisions to include these reactions in labeling are typically based on one or more of the following factors: (1) seriousness of the reaction, (2) frequency of reporting, or (3) strength of causal connection to pramipexole tablets. Similar types of reactions were grouped into a smaller number of standardized categories using the MedDRA terminology: cardiac failure, inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), skin reactions (including erythema, rash, pruritus, urticaria), syncope, vomiting, and weight increase.

Preclinical safety data

Repeated dose toxicity studies showed that pramipexole exerted functional effects, mainly involving the CNS and female reproductive system, and probably resulting from an exaggerated pharmacodynamic effect of pramipexole.

Decreases in diastolic and systolic pressure and heart rate were noted in the minipig, and a tendency to a hypotensive effect was discerned in the monkey.

The potential effects of pramipexole on reproductive function have been investigated in rats and rabbits. Pramipexole was not teratogenic in rats and rabbits but was embryotoxic in the rat at maternally toxic doses. Due to the selection of animal species and the limited parameters investigated, the adverse effects of pramipexole on pregnancy and male fertility have not been fully elucidated.

A delay in sexual development (i.e., preputial separation and vaginal opening) was observed in rats. The relevance for humans is unknown.

Pramipexole was not genotoxic. In a carcinogenicity study, male rats developed Leydig cell hyperplasia and adenomas, explained by the prolactin-inhibiting effect of pramipexole. This finding is not clinically relevant to man. The same study also showed that, at doses of 2 mg/kg (of salt) and higher, pramipexole was associated with retinal degeneration in albino rats. The latter finding was not observed in pigmented rats, nor in a 2-year albino mouse carcinogenicity study or in any other species investigated.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

anti-Parkinson drugs, dopamine agonists, ATC code: N04BC05.

Pharmacodynamic properties

Coated tablet; Prolonged-release tabletEye ointmentPillsSustained-release tablets

Pharmacotherapeutic group: anti-Parkinson drugs, dopamine agonists, ATC code: N04BC05.

Mechanism of action

Pramipexole is a dopamine agonist that binds with high selectivity and specificity to the D2 subfamily of dopamine receptors of which it has a preferential affinity to D3 receptors, and has full intrinsic activity.

Pramipexole alleviates parkinsonian motor deficits by stimulation of dopamine receptors in the striatum. Animal studies have shown that pramipexole inhibits dopamine synthesis, release, and turnover.

The mechanism of action of pramipexole as treatment for Restless Legs Syndrome is unknown. Neuropharmacological evidence suggests primary dopaminergic system involvement.

Pharmacodynamic effects

In human volunteers, a dose-dependent decrease in prolactin was observed. In a clinical trial with healthy volunteers, where Sifrol ER prolonged-release tablets were titrated faster (every 3 days) than recommended up to 3.15 mg pramipexole base (4.5 mg of salt) per day, an increase in blood pressure and heart rate was observed. Such effect was not observed in patient studies.

Clinical efficacy and safety in Parkinson's disease

In patients pramipexole alleviates signs and symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Placebo-controlled clinical trials included approximately 1,800 patients of Hoehn and Yahr stages I - V treated with pramipexole. Out of these, approximately 1,000 were in more advanced stages, received concomitant levodopa therapy, and suffered from motor complications.

In early and advanced Parkinson's disease, efficacy of pramipexole in controlled clinical trials was maintained for approximately six months. In open continuation trials lasting for more than three years there were no signs of decreasing efficacy.

In a controlled double blind clinical trial of 2 year duration, initial treatment with pramipexole significantly delayed the onset of motor complications, and reduced their occurrence compared to initial treatment with levodopa. This delay in motor complications with pramipexole should be balanced against a greater improvement in motor function with levodopa (as measured by the mean change in UPDRS-score). The overall incidence of hallucinations and somnolence was generally higher in the escalation phase with the pramipexole group. However, there was no significant difference during the maintenance phase. These points should be considered when initiating pramipexole treatment in patients with Parkinson's disease.

Paediatric population

Clinical efficacy and safety in Restless Legs Syndrome

The efficacy of pramipexole was evaluated in four placebo-controlled clinical trials in approximately 1,000 patients with moderate to very severe idiopathic Restless Legs Syndrome.

The mean change from baseline in the Restless Legs Syndrome Rating Scale (IRLS) and the Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) were the primary efficacy outcome measures. For both primary endpoints statistically significant differences have been observed for the pramipexole dose groups 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg and 0.75 mg pramipexole salt in comparison to placebo. After 12 weeks of treatment the baseline IRLS score improved from 23.5 to 14.1 points for placebo and from 23.4 to 9.4 points for pramipexole (doses combined). The adjusted mean difference was -4.3 points (CI 95% -6.4; -2.1 points, p-value <0.0001). CGI-I responder rates (improved, very much improved) were 51.2% and 72.0% for placebo and pramipexole, respectively (difference 20% CI 95%: 8.1%; 31.8%, p<0.0005). Efficacy was observed with 0.088 mg of base (0.125 mg of salt) per day after the first week of treatment.

In a placebo-controlled polysomnography study over 3 weeks Sifrol ER significantly reduced the number of periodic limb movements during time in bed.

Longer term efficacy was evaluated in a placebo-controlled clinical trial. After 26 weeks of treatment, there was an adjusted mean reduction in IRLS total score of 13.7 and 11.1 points in the pramipexole and placebo group, respectively, with a statistically significant (p = 0.008) mean treatment difference of -2.6. CGI-I responder rates (much improved, very much improved) were 50.3% (80/159) and 68.5% (111/162) for placebo and pramipexole, respectively (p = 0.001), corresponding to a number needed to treat (NNT) of 6 patients (95%CI: 3.5, 13.4).

Paediatric population

Clinical efficacy and safety in Tourette Disorder

The efficacy of pramipexole (0.0625-0.5 mg/day) with paediatric patients aged 6-17 years with Tourette Disorder was evaluated in a 6-week, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled flexible dose study. A total of 63 patients were randomised (43 on pramipexole, 20 on placebo). The primary endpoint was change from baseline on the Total Tic Score (TTS) of the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS). No difference was observed for pramipexole as compared to placebo for either the primary endpoint or for any of the secondary efficacy endpoints including YGTSS total score, Patient Global Impression of Improvement (PGI-I), Clinical Global Impression of Improvement (CGI-I), or Clinical Global Impressions of Severity of Illness (CGI-S). Adverse events occurring in at least 5% of patients in the pramipexole group and more common in the pramipexole-treated patients than in patients on placebo were: headache (27.9%, placebo 25.0%), somnolence (7.0%, placebo 5.0%), nausea (18.6%, placebo 10.0%), vomiting (11.6%, placebo 0.0%), upper abdominal pain (7.0%, placebo 5.0%), orthostatic hypotension (9.3%, placebo 5.0%), myalgia (9.3%, placebo 5.0%), sleep disorder (7.0%, placebo 0.0%), dyspnoea (7.0%, placebo 0.0%) and upper respiratory tract infection (7.0%, placebo 5.0%). Other significant adverse events leading to discontinuation of study medication for patients receiving pramipexole were confusional state, speech disorder and aggravated condition.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: anti-Parkinson drugs, dopamine agonists, ATC code: N04BC05.

Mechanism of action

Pramipexole is a dopamine agonist that binds with high selectivity and specificity to the D2 subfamily of dopamine receptors of which it has a preferential affinity to D3 receptors, and has full intrinsic activity.

Pramipexole alleviates Parkinsonian motor deficits by stimulation of dopamine receptors in the striatum. Animal studies have shown that pramipexole inhibits dopamine synthesis, release, and turnover.

Pharmacodynamic effects

In human volunteers, a dose-dependent decrease in prolactin was observed.

Clinical efficacy and safety in Parkinson's disease

In patients pramipexole alleviates signs and symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson' s disease. Placebo-controlled clinical trials included approximately 1800 patients of Hoehn and Yahr stages stages I - IV. Out of these, approximately 1000 were in more advanced stages, received concomitant levodopa therapy, and suffered from motor complications.

In early and advanced Parkinson's disease, efficacy of pramipexole in the controlled clinical trials was maintained for approximately six months. In open continuation trials lasting for more than three years there were no signs of decreasing efficacy.

In a controlled double blind clinical trial of 2 year duration, initial treatment with pramipexole significantly delayed the onset of motor complications, and reduced their occurrence compared to initial treatment with levodopa. This delay in motor complications with pramipexole should be balanced against a greater improvement in motor function with levodopa (as measured by the mean change in UPDRS-score). The overall incidence of hallucinations and somnolence was generally higher in the escalation phase with the pramipexole group. However there was no significant difference during the maintenance phase. These points should be considered when initiating pramipexole treatment in patients with Parkinson´s disease.

Paediatric population

Clinical efficacy and safety in Tourette Disorder

The efficacy of pramipexole (0.0625-0.5 mg/day) with paediatric patients aged 6-17 years with Tourette Disorder was evaluated in a 6-week, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled flexible dose study. A total of 63 patients were randomised (43 on pramipexole, 20 on placebo). The primary endpoint was change from baseline on the Total Tic Score (TTS) of the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS). No difference was observed for pramipexole as compared to placebo for either the primary endpoint or for any of the secondary efficacy endpoints including YGTSS total score, Patient Global Impression of Improvement (PGI-I), Clinical Global Impression of Improvement (CGI-I), or Clinical Global Impressions of Severity of Illness (CGI-S). Adverse events occurring in at least 5% of patients in the pramipexole group and more common in the pramipexole-treated patients than in patients on placebo were: headache (27.9%, placebo 25.0%), somnolence (7.0%, placebo 5.0%), nausea (18.6%, placebo 10.0%), vomiting (11.6%, placebo 0.0%), upper abdominal pain (7.0%, placebo 5.0%), orthostatic hypotension (9.3%, placebo 5.0%), myalgia (9.3%, placebo 5.0%), sleep disorder (7.0%, placebo 0.0%), dyspnoea (7.0%, placebo 0.0%) and upper respiratory tract infection (7.0%, placebo 5.0%). Other significant adverse events leading to discontinuation of study medication for patients receiving pramipexole were confusional state, speech disorder and aggravated condition.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: anti-Parkinson drugs, dopamine agonists, ATC code: N04BC05.

Mechanism of action

Pramipexole is a dopamine agonist that binds with high selectivity and specificity to the D2 subfamily of dopamine receptors of which it has a preferential affinity to D3 receptors, and has full intrinsic activity.

Pramipexole alleviates parkinsonian motor deficits by stimulation of dopamine receptors in the striatum. Animal studies have shown that pramipexole inhibits dopamine synthesis, release, and turnover.

The mechanism of action of pramipexole as treatment for Restless Legs Syndrome is unknown. Neuropharmacological evidence suggests primary dopaminergic system involvement.

Pharmacodynamic effects

In human volunteers, a dose-dependent decrease in prolactin was observed. In a clinical trial with healthy volunteers, where Sifrol ERIN prolonged-release tablets were titrated faster (every 3 days) than recommended up to 3.15 mg pramipexole base (4.5 mg of salt) per day, an increase in blood pressure and heart rate was observed. Such effect was not observed in patient studies.

Clinical efficacy and safety in Parkinson's disease

In patients pramipexole alleviates signs and symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Placebo-controlled clinical trials included approximately 1,800 patients of Hoehn and Yahr stages I - V treated with pramipexole. Out of these, approximately 1,000 were in more advanced stages, received concomitant levodopa therapy, and suffered from motor complications.

In early and advanced Parkinson's disease, efficacy of pramipexole in controlled clinical trials was maintained for approximately six months. In open continuation trials lasting for more than three years there were no signs of decreasing efficacy.

In a controlled double blind clinical trial of 2 year duration, initial treatment with pramipexole significantly delayed the onset of motor complications, and reduced their occurrence compared to initial treatment with levodopa. This delay in motor complications with pramipexole should be balanced against a greater improvement in motor function with levodopa (as measured by the mean change in UPDRS-score). The overall incidence of hallucinations and somnolence was generally higher in the escalation phase with the pramipexole group. However, there was no significant difference during the maintenance phase. These points should be considered when initiating pramipexole treatment in patients with Parkinson's disease.

Paediatric population

Clinical efficacy and safety in Restless Legs Syndrome

The efficacy of pramipexole was evaluated in four placebo-controlled clinical trials in approximately 1,000 patients with moderate to very severe idiopathic Restless Legs Syndrome.

The mean change from baseline in the Restless Legs Syndrome Rating Scale (IRLS) and the Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) were the primary efficacy outcome measures. For both primary endpoints statistically significant differences have been observed for the pramipexole dose groups 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg and 0.75 mg pramipexole salt in comparison to placebo. After 12 weeks of treatment the baseline IRLS score improved from 23.5 to 14.1 points for placebo and from 23.4 to 9.4 points for pramipexole (doses combined). The adjusted mean difference was -4.3 points (CI 95% -6.4; -2.1 points, p-value <0.0001). CGI-I responder rates (improved, very much improved) were 51.2% and 72.0% for placebo and pramipexole, respectively (difference 20% CI 95%: 8.1%; 31.8%, p<0.0005). Efficacy was observed with 0.088 mg of base (0.125 mg of salt) per day after the first week of treatment.

In a placebo-controlled polysomnography study over 3 weeks Sifrol ERIN significantly reduced the number of periodic limb movements during time in bed.

Longer term efficacy was evaluated in a placebo-controlled clinical trial. After 26 weeks of treatment, there was an adjusted mean reduction in IRLS total score of 13.7 and 11.1 points in the pramipexole and placebo group, respectively, with a statistically significant (p = 0.008) mean treatment difference of -2.6. CGI-I responder rates (much improved, very much improved) were 50.3% (80/159) and 68.5% (111/162) for placebo and pramipexole, respectively (p = 0.001), corresponding to a number needed to treat (NNT) of 6 patients (95%CI: 3.5, 13.4).

Paediatric population

Clinical efficacy and safety in Tourette Disorder

The efficacy of pramipexole (0.0625-0.5 mg/day) with paediatric patients aged 6-17 years with Tourette Disorder was evaluated in a 6-week, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled flexible dose study. A total of 63 patients were randomised (43 on pramipexole, 20 on placebo). The primary endpoint was change from baseline on the Total Tic Score (TTS) of the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS). No difference was observed for pramipexole as compared to placebo for either the primary endpoint or for any of the secondary efficacy endpoints including YGTSS total score, Patient Global Impression of Improvement (PGI-I), Clinical Global Impression of Improvement (CGI-I), or Clinical Global Impressions of Severity of Illness (CGI-S). Adverse events occurring in at least 5% of patients in the pramipexole group and more common in the pramipexole-treated patients than in patients on placebo were: headache (27.9%, placebo 25.0%), somnolence (7.0%, placebo 5.0%), nausea (18.6%, placebo 10.0%), vomiting (11.6%, placebo 0.0%), upper abdominal pain (7.0%, placebo 5.0%), orthostatic hypotension (9.3%, placebo 5.0%), myalgia (9.3%, placebo 5.0%), sleep disorder (7.0%, placebo 0.0%), dyspnoea (7.0%, placebo 0.0%) and upper respiratory tract infection (7.0%, placebo 5.0%). Other significant adverse events leading to discontinuation of study medication for patients receiving pramipexole were confusional state, speech disorder and aggravated condition.

The effect of pramipexole on the QT interval of the ECG was investigated in a clinical study in 60 healthy male and female volunteers. All subjects initiated treatment with 0.375 mg Sifrol ER tablets administered once daily, and were up-titrated every 3 days to 2.25 mg and 4.5 mg daily, a faster rate of titration than recommended in the label. No dose-or exposure-related effect on mean QT intervals was observed; however, the study did not have a valid assessment of assay sensitivity. The effect of pramipexole on QTc intervals at higher exposures achieved either due to drug interactions (e.g., with cimetidine), renal impairment, or at higher doses has not been systematically evaluated.

Although mean values remained within normal reference ranges throughout the study, supine systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and pulse rate for subjects treated with pramipexole generally increased during the rapid up-titration phase, by 10 mmHg, 7 mmHg, and 10 bpm higher than placebo, respectively. Higher SBP, DBP, and pulse rates compared to placebo were maintained until the pramipexole doses were tapered; values on the last day of tapering were generally similar to baseline values. Such effects have not been observed in clinical studies with Parkinson's disease patients, who were titrated according to labeled recommendations.

Pharmacokinetic properties

Sifrol ER tablets, like immediate-release pramipexole tablets, display linear pharmacokinetics over the entire clinical dosage range. Slow release of pramipexole from Sifrol ER tablets with once-daily administration results in the same daily maximum and minimum pramipexole plasma concentrations (Cmax, Cmin) as three times daily administration of immediate-release pramipexole tablets.


The absolute bioavailability of pramipexole is greater than 90%, indicating that it is well absorbed and undergoes little presystemic metabolism.

Increase in systemic exposure of pramipexole following oral administration of 0.375 mg to 4.5 mg of Sifrol ER tablets was dose-proportional. For Sifrol ER tablets, steady state of exposure is reached within 5 days of continuous dosing.

Relative bioavailability of Sifrol ER tablets compared with immediate-release tablets was approximately 100%. In a repeat-dose study in healthy, normal volunteers, Sifrol ER tablets 4.5 mg administered once daily was bioequivalent with regard to Cmax and AUC over 24 hours to immediate-release pramipexole tablets 1.5 mg administered three times daily. The average time-to-peak concentration for Sifrol ER tablets is 6 hours. Administration of Sifrol ER tablets with food (i.e., high-fat meal) did not affect AUC but increased Cmax by approximately 20% and delayed Tmax by approximately 2 hours compared with dosing under fasted conditions; these differences are not considered to be clinically relevant.


Pramipexole is extensively distributed, having a volume of distribution of about 500 L (coefficient of variation [CV] = 20%). It is about 15% bound to plasma proteins. Pramipexole distributes into red blood cells as indicated by an erythrocyte-to-plasma ratio of approximately 2.


Pramipexole is metabolized only to a negligible extent ( < 10%). No specific active metabolite has been identified in human plasma or urine.


Urinary excretion is the major route of pramipexole elimination, with 90% of a pramipexole dose recovered in urine, almost all as unchanged drug. The renal clearance of pramipexole is approximately 400 mL/min (CV=25%), approximately three times higher than the glomerular filtration rate. Thus, pramipexole is secreted by the renal tubules, probably by the organic cation transport system.

Special precautions for disposal and other handling

No special requirements for disposal.

Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.