Symptoms : for patients who do not have impaired renal function, there is usually no risk of poisoning or overdose of this drug. When using this glucose-electrolyte solution in patients with confirmed or latent diabetes (diabetes mellitus) blood sugar levels can increase down to a diabetic coma. Accidental intoxication with undiluted powder can upset the electrolyte balance and increase diarrhea.
You should always consult your doctor in case of an overdose.
Hypersensitivity (including.h. to citrates), increased bleeding due to a violation of the coagulation system.
The effect of heart glycosides can be weakened. In patients undergoing glycosides treatment, when taking Hydrovite® it is necessary to control the concentration of potassium in the blood.
Nausea, chills, rashes.
Hemoconservation (collection and storage of whole blood - TsFD, long-term storage of red blood cells - Adsol).
Раствор ЦФГ обеспечивает антикоагулянтный эффект путем связывания катионов кальция анионами цитрата, кроме того, содержащаяся в препарате глюкоза служит питанием для клеток крови, а фосфат поддерживает буферную систему крови.
Гемоконсервантный раствор смешивается с кровью в соотношении 1 объем к 7 объемам крови.
After oral use, glucose undergoes metabolism to carbon dioxide and water (CO2 and N2Oh), and the rest of the components are derived mainly with urine and only in small quantities - with sweat or feces.
At 100 ml of blood - 8–10 ml of hemoconservant solution. Whole blood in the solution of this coagulant is stored at a temperature of 1–6 ° C for 21 days from the date of the fence.