
Therapeutic indications

What CARIBAN uses it

This drug belongs to the so-called antiemetic and antidepressant groups and is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy in adults。

Special warnings and precautions for use

Possible side effects

Like all, you're all, if not a drug, Caribbean, that causes side effects。


The adverse effects of Caribbean are generally mild and transient and more frequent on the first day of treatment。


Common side effects (10 people with 1 that may have an impact): Drowsiness and effects such as dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, increased urinary retention or bronchial secretion。


Unusual side effects (100 people with 1 that can have an impact): Asthenia (fatigue), peripheral edema (swelling of arms and legs, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, tinnitus (noise of ears), orthostatic hypotension (lower blood pressure due to altered posture), diplopia (double vision) , Glaucoma, confusion, or light


Rare side effects (can affect up to 1,000 in one person)): Blood problems such as turbulence, tremor, convulsions or hemolytic anemia。


Other side effects of unknown frequencies (frequency cannot be estimated from available data): Tachycardia (faster heart rate (heart rate)), dizziness or dyspnea。



Report of harmful effects

If you experience any type of side effect, you can communicate them directly through your doctor or pharmacist, even if it is a side effect that may not be listed in this leaflet Spanish pharmacovigilance system for products for the use of time periods ( Side effect reporting can help provide more information about the safety of this drug.


Dosage (Posology) and method of administration

How to take CARIBAN

Follow the instructions for managing This medicine Indicated by a doctor。 If in doubt, consult your doctor again。


Cheating and vomiting occur in the morning The recommended dose is two capsules at bedtime。 If you can control your symptoms at this dose, continue to take two capsules。 If nausea occurs during the day, take 1 capsule in the morning and another capsule in the afternoon。


The maximum daily dose is 4 capsules (one in the morning, one in the middle of the afternoon, two at bedtime)。


Capsules should be taken The whole thing, without biting And when hungry, it contains enough liquid, preferably water。



use Among adolescents

Safety and efficacy have not been established in children under the age of 18.



If you take more caribans than you should

If you are taking more cariban than you need, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately。


Possible poisoning is recognized by neurological changes such as turbulence, hallucinations or intermittent convulsions, and in extreme cases reaching reduced life activity and coma if any of these symptoms occur. Appropriate treatment will be given。


If overdose or incorrect intake, consult the Toxicity Information Service。 Phone 91 562 04 20.


Nana no Nari no Nari no Nari:

Nata Kariban's ott, This should be taken as soon as possible。 However, if it is almost the next dose time, the missed dose should be taken and the normal aptitude should continue。 Do not take double doses to make up for forgotten doses。