
Vitalix Medicine

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Administration of Vitalix in quantities exceeding the amount needed to correct iron deficit at the time of administration may lead to accumulation of iron in storage sites eventually leading to haemosiderosis. Monitoring of iron parameters such as serum ferritin and transferrin saturation may assist in recognising iron accumulation. If iron accumulation has occurred, treat according to standard medical practice, e.g. consider the use of an iron chelator.


The use of Vitalix is contraindicated in cases of:

- hypersensitivity to the active substance, to

- known serious hypersensitivity to other parenteral iron products.

- anaemia not attributed to iron deficiency, e.g. other microcytic anaemia.

- evidence of iron overload or disturbances in the utilisation of iron.


The compatibility with containers other than polyethylene and glass is not known.

Undesirable effects

Table 4 presents the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) reported during clinical studies in which 7,391 subjects received Vitalix, as well as those reported from the post-marketing experience (see table footnotes for details).

The most commonly reported ADR is nausea (occurring in 2.9% of the subjects), followed by injection/infusion site reactions, hypophosphataemia, headache, flushing, dizziness and hypertension. Injection/infusion site reactions comprise several ADRs which individually are either uncommon or rare. In clinical trials, the minimum serum phosphorous values were obtained after approximately 2 weeks, and 4 to 12 weeks following Vitalix treatment the values had returned to those within the range of baseline. The most serious ADR is anaphylactoid reactions (rare).

Table 4: Adverse drug reactions observed during clinical trials and post-marketing experience

System Organ Class

Common (>1/100 to <1/10)

Uncommon (>1/1000 to <1/100)

Rare (>1/10000 to <1/1000)

Immune system disorders


Anaphylactoid reactions

Metabolism and nutritional disorders


Nervous system disorders

Headache, dizziness

Paraesthesia, dysgeusia

Loss of consciousness(1)

Psychiatric disorders


Cardiac disorders


Vascular disorders

Flushing, hypertension


Phlebitis, syncope(2), presyncope(2)

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders



Gastrointestinal disorders


Vomiting, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea


Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Pruritus, urticaria, erythema, rash(3)

Angioedema(2), pallor(2), and face oedema(1)

Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders

Myalgia, back pain, arthralgia, pain in extremity, muscle spasms

General disorders and administration site conditions

Injection/infusion site reactions(4)

Pyrexia, fatigue, chest pain, oedema peripheral, chills

Malaise, influenza like illness(2)


Alanine aminotransferase increased, aspartate aminotransferase increased, gamma-glutamyltransferase increased, blood lactate dehydrogenase increased, blood alkaline phosphatase increased

1 ADRs exclusively reported in the post-marketing setting.

2 ADRs reported in the post-marketing setting which were also observed in the clinical setting.

3 Includes the following preferred terms: rash (individual ADR determined to be uncommon) and rash erythematous, -generalised, -macular, -maculo-papular, -pruritic (all individual ADRs determined to be rare).

4 Includes the following preferred terms: injection/infusion site -pain, -haematoma, -discolouration, -extravasation, -irritation, -reaction, (all individual ADRs determined to be uncommon) and -paraesthesia (individual ADR determined to be rare).

Note: ADR = Adverse drug reaction.

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via:

United Kingdom

Yellow Card Scheme



ADR Reporting


Preclinical safety data

Preclinical data revealed no special hazard for humans based on conventional studies of safety pharmacology, repeat dose toxicity and genotoxicity. Preclinical studies indicate that iron released from Vitalix does cross the placental barrier and is excreted in milk in limited, controlled amounts. In reproductive toxicology studies using iron replete rabbits Vitalix was associated with minor skeletal abnormalities in the fetus. In a fertility study in rats, there were no effects on fertility for either male or female animals. No long-term studies in animals have been performed to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of Vitalix. No evidence of allergic or immunotoxic potential has been observed. A controlled in-vivo test demonstrated no cross-reactivity of Vitalix with anti-dextran antibodies. No local irritation or intolerance was observed after intravenous administration.

Therapeutic indications

Vitalix is indicated for treatment of iron deficiency when oral iron preparations are ineffective or cannot be used. The diagnosis of iron deficiency must be based on laboratory tests.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Iron trivalent, parenteral preparation, ATC code: B03AC

Pharmacodynamic properties

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Iron trivalent, parenteral preparation, ATC code: B03AC

Vitalix solution for injection/infusion is a colloidal solution of the iron complex ferric carboxymaltose.

The complex is designed to provide, in a controlled way, utilisable iron for the iron transport and storage proteins in the body (transferrin and ferritin, respectively).

Red cell utilisation of 59Fe from radio-labelled Vitalix ranged from 91% to 99% in subjects with iron deficiency (ID) and 61% to 84% in subjects with renal anaemia at 24 days post-dose.

Vitalix treatment of patients with ID anaemia results in an increase in reticulocyte count and serum ferritin levels to within normal ranges.

Clinical efficacy and safety

The efficacy and safety of Vitalix has been studied in different therapeutic areas necessitating intravenous iron to correct iron deficiency. The main studies are described in more detail below.


Chronic heart failure

Study CONFIRM-HF was a double-blind, randomised, 2-arm study comparing Vitalix (n=150) vs. placebo (n=151) in subjects with chronic heart failure (CHF) and ID for a treatment period of 52 weeks. At Day 1 and Week 6 (correction phase), subjects received either Vitalix according to a simplified dosing grid using baseline Hb and body weight at screening , placebo or no dose. At Weeks 12, 24, and 36 (maintenance phase) subjects received Vitalix (500 mg iron) or placebo if serum ferritin was <100 ng/mL or 100-299 ng/mL with TSAT <20%, or no dose. The treatment benefit of Vitalix vs. placebo was demonstrated with the primary efficacy endpoint, the change in the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) from baseline to Week 24 (p=0.002). This effect was sustained throughout the study to Week 52 (p<0.001).


Haemodialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease

Study VIT-IV-CL-015 was an open-label, randomised parallel group study comparing Vitalix (n=97) to iron sucrose (n=86) in subjects with ID anaemia undergoing haemodialysis. Subjects received Vitalix or iron sucrose 2-3 times per week in single doses of 200 mg iron directly into the dialyser until the individually calculated cumulative iron dose was reached (mean cumulative dose of iron as Vitalix: 1,700 mg). The primary efficacy endpoint was the percentage of subjects reaching an increase in Hb of >1.0 g/dL at 4 weeks after baseline. At 4 weeks after baseline, 44.1% responded to treatment with Vitalix (i.e. Hb increase of >1.0 g/dL) compared to 35.3% for iron sucrose (p=0.2254).

Non-dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease

Study 1VIT04004 was an open-label, randomised active-control study, evaluating the safety and efficacy of Vitalix (n=147) vs. oral iron (n=103). Subjects in the Vitalix group received 1,000 mg of iron at baseline and 500 mg of iron at days 14 and 28, if TSAT was <30% and serum ferritin was <500 ng/mL at the respective visit. Subjects in the oral iron arm received 65 mg iron TID as ferrous sulphate from baseline to day 56. Subjects were followed-up until day 56. The primary efficacy endpoint was the percentage of subjects achieving an increase in Hb of >1.0 g/dL anytime between baseline and end of study or time of intervention. This was achieved by 60.54% of subjects receiving Vitalix vs. 34.7% of subjects in the oral iron group (p<0.001). Mean haemoglobin change to day 56/end of study was 1.0 g/dL in the Vitalix group and 0.7 g/dL in the oral iron group (p=0.034, 95% CI: 0.0, 0.7).


Inflammatory bowel disease

Study VIT-IV-CL-008 was a randomised, open-label study which compared the efficacy of Vitalix vs. oral ferrous sulphate in reducing ID anaemia in subjects with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Subjects received either Vitalix (n=111) in single doses of up to 1,000 mg iron once per week until the individually calculated iron dose (per Ganzoni formula) was reached (mean cumulative iron dose: 1,490 mg), or 100 mg iron BID as ferrous sulphate (n=49) for 12 weeks. Subjects receiving Vitalix showed a mean increase in Hb from baseline to Week 12 of 3.83 g/dL, which was non-inferior to 12 weeks of twice daily therapy with ferrous sulphate (3.75 g/dL, p=0.8016).

Study FER-IBD-07-COR was a randomised, open-label study comparing the efficacy of Vitalix vs. iron sucrose in subjects with remitting or mild IBD. Subjects receiving Vitalix were dosed according to a simplified dosing grid using baseline Hb and body weight in single doses up to 1,000 mg iron, whereas subjects receiving iron sucrose were dosed according to individually calculated iron doses using the Ganzoni formula in doses of 200 mg iron until the cumulative iron dose was reached. Subjects were followed-up for 12 weeks. 65.8% of subjects receiving Vitalix (n=240; mean cumulative iron dose: 1,414 mg) vs. 53.6% receiving iron sucrose (n=235; mean cumulative dose 1,207 mg; p=0.004) had responded at Week 12 (defined as Hb increase >2 g/dL). 83.8% of Vitalix-treated subjects vs. 75.9% of iron sucrose-treated subjects achieved a Hb increase >2 g/dL or had Hb within normal limits at Week 12 (p=0.019).

Women's health

Post partum

Study VIT-IV-CL-009 was a randomised open-label non-inferiority study comparing the efficacy of Vitalix (n=227) vs. ferrous sulphate (n=117) in women suffering from post-partum anaemia. Subjects received either Vitalix in single doses of up to 1,000 mg iron until their individually calculated cumulative iron dose (per Ganzoni formula) was reached, or 100 mg of iron as oral ferrous sulphate BID for 12 weeks. Subjects were followed-up for 12 weeks. The mean change in Hb from baseline to Week 12 was 3.37 g/dL in the Vitalix group (n=179; mean cumulative iron dose: 1,347 mg) vs. 3.29 g/dL in the ferrous sulphate group (n=89), showing non-inferiority between the treatments.


Intravenous iron medicines should not be used during pregnancy unless clearly necessary.

Limited safety data in pregnant women are available from study FER-ASAP-2009-01, a randomised, open-label study comparing Vitalix (n=121) vs. oral ferrous sulphate (n=115) in pregnant women in the second and third trimester with ID anaemia for a treatment period of 12 weeks. Subjects received Vitalix in cumulative doses of 1,000 mg or 1,500 mg of iron (mean cumulative dose: 1,029 mg iron) based on Hb and body weight at screening, or 100 mg of oral iron BID for 12 weeks. The incidence of treatment-related adverse events was similar between Vitalix treated women and those treated with oral iron (11.4% Vitalix group; 15.3% oral iron group). The most commonly reported treatment-related adverse events were nausea, upper abdominal pain and headache. Newborn Apgar scores as well as newborn iron parameters were similar between treatment groups.

Ferritin monitoring after replacement therapy

There is limited data from study VIT-IV-CL-008 which demonstrates that ferritin levels decrease rapidly 2-4 weeks following replacement and more slowly thereafter. The mean ferritin levels did not drop to levels where retreatment might be considered during the 12 weeks of study follow up. Thus, the available data does not clearly indicate an optimal time for ferritin retesting although assessing ferritin levels earlier than 4 weeks after replacement therapy appears premature. Thus, it is recommended that further re-assessment of ferritin should be made by the clinician based on the individual patient's condition.

Pharmacokinetic properties

Positron emission tomography demonstrated that 59Fe and 52Fe from Vitalix was rapidly eliminated from the blood, transferred to the bone marrow, and deposited in the liver and spleen.

After administration of a single dose of Vitalix of 100 to 1,000 mg of iron in ID subjects, maximum total serum iron levels of 37 µg/mL up to 333 µg/mL are obtained after 15 minutes to 1.21 hours respectively. The volume of the central compartment corresponds well to the volume of the plasma (approximately 3 litres).

The iron injected or infused was rapidly cleared from the plasma, the terminal half-life ranged from 7 to 12 hours, the mean residence time (MRT) from 11 to 18 hours. Renal elimination of iron was negligible.

Name of the medicinal product


Qualitative and quantitative composition

Ferric Carboxymaltose

Special warnings and precautions for use

Hypersensitivity reactions

Parenterally administered iron preparations can cause hypersensitivity reactions including serious and potentially fatal anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions. Hypersensitivity reactions have also been reported after previously uneventful doses of parenteral iron complexes.

The risk is enhanced for patients with known allergies including drug allergies, including patients with a history of severe asthma, eczema or other atopic allergy.

There is also an increased risk of hypersensitivity reactions to parenteral iron complexes in patients with immune or inflammatory conditions (e.g. systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis).

Vitalix should only be administered when staff trained to evaluate and manage anaphylactic reactions are immediately available, in an environment where full resuscitation facilities can be assured. Each patient should be observed for adverse effects for at least 30 minutes following each Vitalix administration. If hypersensitivity reactions or signs of intolerance occur during administration, the treatment must be stopped immediately. Facilities for cardio respiratory resuscitation and equipment for handling acute anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions should be available, including an injectable 1:1000 adrenaline solution. Additional treatment with antihistamines and/or corticosteroids should be given as appropriate.

Hepatic or renal impairment

In patients with liver dysfunction, parenteral iron should only be administered after careful benefit/risk assessment. Parenteral iron administration should be avoided in patients with hepatic dysfunction where iron overload is a precipitating factor, in particular Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT). Careful monitoring of iron status is recommended to avoid iron overload.

No safety data on haemodialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease patients receiving single doses of more than 200 mg iron are available.


Parenteral iron must be used with caution in case of acute or chronic infection, asthma, eczema or atopic allergies. It is recommended that the treatment with Vitalix is stopped in patients with ongoing bacteraemia. Therefore, in patients with chronic infection a benefit/risk evaluation has to be performed, taking into account the suppression of erythropoiesis.


Caution should be exercised to avoid paravenous leakage when administering Vitalix. Paravenous leakage of Vitalix at the injection site may lead to irritation of the skin and potentially long lasting brown discolouration at the site of injection. In case of paravenous leakage, the administration of Vitalix must be stopped immediately.


One mL of undiluted Vitalix contains up to 5.5 mg (0.24 mmol) of sodium. This has to be taken into account in patients on a sodium-controlled diet.

Paediatric population

The use of Vitalix has not been studied in children.

Effects on ability to drive and use machines

Vitalix is unlikely to impair the ability to drive and use machines.

Dosage (Posology) and method of administration

Monitor carefully patients for signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity reactions during and following each administration of Vitalix.

Vitalix should only be administered when staff trained to evaluate and manage anaphylactic reactions is immediately available, in an environment where full resuscitation facilities can be assured. The patient should be observed for adverse effects for at least 30 minutes following each Vitalix administration.


The posology of Vitalix follows a stepwise approach: [1] determination of the individual iron need, [2] calculation and administration of the iron dose(s), and [3] post-iron repletion assessments. These steps are outlined below:

Step 1: Determination of the iron need

The individual iron need for repletion using Vitalix is determined based on the patient's body weight and haemoglobin (Hb) level. Refer to Table 1 for determination of the iron need:

Table 1: Determination of the iron need


Patient body weight



below 35 kg

35 kg to <70 kg

70 kg and above



500 mg

1,500 mg

2,000 mg

10 to <14

6.2 to <8.7

500 mg

1,000 mg

1,500 mg



500 mg

500 mg

500 mg

Iron deficiency must be confirmed by laboratory tests as stated in 4.1.

Step 2: Calculation and administration of the maximum individual iron dose(s)

Based on the iron need determined above the appropriate dose(s) of Vitalix should be administered taking into consideration the following:

A single Vitalix administration should not exceed:

- 15 mg iron/kg body weight (for administration by intravenous injection) or 20 mg iron/kg body weight (for administration by intravenous infusion)

- 1,000 mg of iron (20 mL Vitalix)

The maximum recommended cumulative dose of Vitalix is 1,000 mg of iron (20 mL Vitalix) per week.

Step 3: Post-iron repletion assessments

Re-assessment should be performed by the clinician based on the individual patient's condition. The Hb level should be re-assessed no earlier than 4 weeks post final Vitalix administration to allow adequate time for erythropoiesis and iron utilisation. In the event the patient requires further iron repletion, the iron need should be recalculated using Table 1 above.

Special Population - patients with haemodialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease

A single maximum daily injection dose of 200 mg iron should not be exceeded in haemodialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease patients (see also section 4.4).

Paediatric population

The use of Vitalix has not been studied in children, and therefore is not recommended in children under 14 years.

Method of administration

Vitalix must only be administered by the intravenous route:

- by injection, or

- by infusion, or

- during a haemodialysis session undiluted directly into the venous limb of the dialyser.

Vitalix must not be administered by the subcutaneous or intramuscular route.

Intravenous injection

Vitalix may be administered by intravenous injection using undiluted solution. The maximum single dose is 15 mg iron/kg body weight but should not exceed 1,000 mg iron. The administration rates are as shown in Table 2:

Table 2: Administration rates for intravenous injection of Vitalix

Volume of Vitalix required

Equivalent iron dose

Administration rate / Minimum administration time



4 mL



200 mg

No minimal prescribed time



10 mL



500 mg

100 mg iron / min



20 mL



1,000 mg

15 minutes

Intravenous infusion

Vitalix may be administered by intravenous infusion, in which case it must be diluted. The maximum single dose is 20 mg iron/kg body weight, but should not exceed 1,000 mg iron.

For infusion, Vitalix must only be diluted in sterile 0.9% m/V sodium chloride solution as shown in Table 3. Note: for stability reasons, Vitalix should not be diluted to concentrations less than 2 mg iron/mL (not including the volume of the ferric carboxymaltose solution).

Table 3: Dilution plan of Vitalix for intravenous infusion

Volume of Vitalix required

Equivalent iron dose

Maximum amount of sterile 0.9% m/V sodium chloride solution

Minimum administration time



4 mL



200 mg

50 mL




10 mL



500 mg

100 mL

6 minutes



20 mL



1,000 mg

250 mL

15 minutes

Special precautions for disposal and other handling

Inspect vials visually for sediment and damage before use. Use only those containing sediment-free, homogeneous solution.

Each vial of Vitalix is intended for single use only. Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Vitalix must only be mixed with sterile 0.9% m/V sodium chloride solution.