

Acute overdose of local use of the drug Micoclin is unlikely and does not lead to a life-threatening situation.


Outdoor cream; Outdoor powder; Solution for local and external use; Vaginal gel; Vaginal tabletsOintment

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Hypersensitivity, pregnancy (I trimester).


Outdoor cream; Outdoor powder; Solution for local and external use; Vaginal gel; Vaginal tabletsOintment

With simultaneous use with amphotericin B, nistatin, the activity of clotrimazole may decrease.

Efficiency reduces nystatin.

Undesirable effects

Крем для наружного применения; Порошок для наружного применения; Раствор для местного и наружного применения; Вагинальный гель; Таблетки вагинальныеМазь

Препарат обычно хорошо переносится. В редких случаях, при гиперчувствительности к компонентам препарата, отмечаются аллергические реакции — покраснение слизистой оболочки полости рта, ощущение жжения и покалывания на месте нанесения препарата, крапивница.

При возникновении раздражения препарат необходимо отменить.

Аллергические реакции: гиперемия, зуд, сыпь.

Therapeutic indications

Outdoor cream; Outdoor powder; Solution for local and external use; Vaginal gel; Vaginal tabletsOintment

Micoclinous stomatitis.

Fungal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes caused by dermatophytes, mold and yeast-like mushrooms, multi-colored lichen, eritras, candidosic vulvoginitis, trichomoniasis, mycoses, complicated by secondary pyodermia, and reorganization of birth routes before childbirth.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

  • Anti-fungal means
  • Other synthetic antibacterial agents

Pharmacodynamic properties

Outdoor cream; Outdoor powder; Solution for local and external use; Vaginal gel; Vaginal tabletsOintment

Clotrimazole is a derivative of imidazole, an antifungal agent of a wide range of actions.

The antimicrotic effect is associated with a violation of the synthesis of ergosterin, which is part of the cell membrane of mushrooms, which causes a change in its structure and properties and leads to a cell lysis.

Dermatophytes, yeast-like mushrooms (birth) are sensitive to clotrimazole Candida, Torulopsis glabrata, Rhodotorula), mold mushrooms, as well as the causative causative of multi-colored lichen Pityriasis versicolor and the causative agent of erythrazma.

It has an antimicrobial effect in relation to gram-positive (staphylocococci and streptococcus) and gram-negative bacteria (Bacteroides, Gardnerella vaginalis)as well as in relation Trichomonas vaginalis.

It has a wide range of activities. Active in relation to dermatophytes, yeast mushrooms of the genus Candida; Corynebacterium minutissimum, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp.trichomonad.

Pharmacokinetic properties

Крем для наружного применения; Порошок для наружного применения; Раствор для местного и наружного применения; Вагинальный гель; Таблетки вагинальныеМазь

При местном применении адсорбция клотримазола со слизистых оболочек незначительна.

Характеризуется высокой проникающей способностью. Концентрация в эпидермисе выше, чем в дерме и подкожной клетчатке. Практически не оказывает системного действия.

Name of the medicinal product


Qualitative and quantitative composition


Dosage (Posology) and method of administration

Cream; Leather powder; Leather spray, solutionOintment

Outwardly the cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day with a thin layer and rubbed carefully. A column of cream 0.5 cm long is enough on the center of the lesion the size of the palm.

The duration of therapy is individual and depends on the severity and localization of the disease. To achieve a complete recovery, you should not stop treating with cream immediately after the disappearance of acute inflammation symptoms or subjective complaints. The duration of therapy should be on average about 4 weeks.

With dermatomycosis - 3-4 weeks; red bloodstream - 2-4 weeks; multi-colored lichen - 1-3 weeks; candidosic vulvit and balanite - 1-2 weeks.

In fungal diseases of the skin of the legs, it is recommended to continue therapy for about 2 weeks after purchasing the symptoms of the disease.

Outwardly, intravaginally, a thin layer of ointment is applied to the affected area of the skin 3 times a day before the disappearance of subjective symptoms, and for another 2 weeks. A disposable dose is a column of 5 mm per surface area the size of a palm. With vaginal infections - they are injected deep into the vagina using an applicator 1 time a day. With candidiasis vulvovaginite and candidiasis balanite - 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks. The total duration of treatment for dermatomycosis is 3–4 weeks, red blood cells are 2–4 weeks, and multi-colored lichens are 1–3 weeks.