гриппол нео [вакцина гриппозная тривалентная инактивированная субъединичная адъювантная]

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гриппол нео [вакцина гриппозная тривалентная инактивированная субъединичная адъювантная] Medicine


allergic reactions to vaccine components,

acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases are temporary contraindications for vaccinations (routine vaccinations are carried out 2-4 weeks after recovery or during remission).

For mild acute respiratory infections, acute intestinal diseases, etc., vaccination is carried out immediately after the temperature normalizes.


Grippol vaccine® Neo can be used simultaneously with other vaccines (with the exception of anti-rabies). At the same time, contraindications to each of the vaccines used should be taken into account, the drugs should be administered to different parts of the body with different syringes.

The vaccine can be administered against the background of basic therapy of the underlying disease. Vaccination of patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy may be less effective.

Pharmaceutical form

Colorless or slightly opalescent liquid with a yellowish tinge.

Undesirable effects

The vaccine is a highly purified drug, well tolerated. Local and general reactions to the introduction of the vaccine, as a rule, are absent.

Rarely, reactions in the form of soreness, swelling and redness of the skin may develop at the injection site. Individuals may have general reactions in the form of malaise, headache, fever. These reactions usually disappear on their own after 1-2 days. Extremely rarely, as with any other vaccination, allergic reactions, myalgia, neuralgia, and neurological disorders may occur.

Pharmacy sales terms

By prescription.

Special instructions

On the day of vaccination, the vaccinated should be examined by a doctor (paramedic) with mandatory thermometry. At temperatures above 37.0 °C, vaccination is not carried out.

The drug is not suitable for use in ampoules, vials, syringes with impaired integrity or labeling, with changes in physical properties (color, transparency), expired shelf life, violation of the requirements for storage conditions.

Transportation — all types of covered transport in accordance with SP in light-tight containers at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C, in conditions that exclude freezing. It is allowed to transport at a temperature of up to 25 °C for 6 hours.

Complaints about the inconsistency of the drug in terms of quality, physical properties, packaging, packaging with the mandatory indication of the batch number and date of manufacture, should be sent to the manufacturer LLC FC "PETROVAX" and to the Federal State Research Institute for Standardization and Control of Medical Biological Drugs named after L. A. Tarasevich Rospotrebnadzor.

Cases of increased reactogenicity or the development of postvaccinal complications should be reported by phone (fax) to the L. A. Tarasevich State Research Institute for Standardization and Control of Medical Biological Preparations (L. A. Tarasevich State Research Institute of Standardization and Control of Medical Biological Preparations) with subsequent submission of medical documentation to the address: 119002, Moscow, per. Sivtsev Vrazhek, 41, tel. (499) 241-39-22, fax (499) 241-92-38.

Therapeutic indications

Specific prevention of influenza in children from the age of three, adolescents and adults without age restriction.

The contingents to be vaccinated. The vaccine is particularly indicated:

1. Persons with a high risk of complications in the case of influenza:

often suffering from acute respiratory infections, suffering from chronic somatic diseases, including diseases and malformations of the central nervous system, cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems (including bronchial asthma), chronic kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, metabolic diseases, autoimmune diseases, allergic diseases (including those with an allergy to chicken protein), chronic anemia, congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, HIV-infected,

for the elderly.

2. Persons who by profession have a high risk of disease or infection of other persons: medical workers, employees of educational institutions, social services, transport, trade, police, military personnel, etc.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

  • Vaccines, serums, phages, and toxoids in combination

Pharmacodynamic properties

The vaccine causes the formation of a high level of specific immunity against influenza. The protective effect after vaccination, as a rule, occurs in 8-12 days and lasts up to 12 months. Protective titers of antibodies to influenza viruses after vaccination of persons of different ages are determined in 83-98% of vaccinated persons.

Inclusion of the immunomodulator Polyoxidonium in the vaccine preparation® It has a wide spectrum of immunopharmacological action, provides an increase in the immunogenicity and stability of antigens, increases immunological memory, significantly reduces the vaccination dose of antigens, and increases the body's resistance to ARVI by correcting the immune status.

Special precautions for storage

In a dark place, at a temperature of 2-8 °C (do not freeze).

Keep out of reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Grippol® Neo [Influenza vaccine trivalent inactivated subunit adjuvant]1 год.

Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Nature and contents of container

Suspension for I / m and p/c administration 1 dose (0.5 ml)
Hemagglutinin of epidemiologically relevant influenza virus strains produced by Abbott Biologicals B. V., the Netherlands  
subtype A (H1N1) 5 mcg
subtype A (H3N2) 5 mcg
type B 5 mcg
immunoadjuvant Polyoxidonium® 500 mcg
phosphate-salt buffer up to 0.5 ml
it does not contain preservative and ovalbumin  

0.5 ml (1 dose) in a single-use syringe, in a contour cell package 1 syringe, in a pack of cardboard 1 package.

Fertility, pregnancy and lactation

Experience with the use of influenza inactivated vaccines shows that vaccination does not have a teratogenic or toxic effect on the fetus. The decision to vaccinate pregnant women should be made by a doctor individually, taking into account the risk of influenza infection and possible complications of influenza infection. The safest vaccination is in the second and third trimesters. Breast-feeding is not a contraindication for vaccination.

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

  • Z25. 1 The need for influenza immunization

Dosage (Posology) and method of administration

In/m or p/c (deep) in the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder (in the deltoid muscle) at a dose of 0.5 ml once.

Vaccination is carried out annually in the autumn-winter period. Vaccination is possible at the beginning of the epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza.

Before use, the vaccine should be kept at room temperature and shaken well.

Patients with immunodeficiency and receiving immunosuppressive therapy may be administered twice 0.5 ml at intervals of 4 weeks.

ATC - Anatomical and therapeutic chemical classification

J07BB02 Influenza virus inactivated cleaved or surface antigen