Cicatrene (bacitracin_neomycin)


When used in doses significantly higher than recommended, due to the possible absorption of the active components of Baneocin powder® special attention should be paid to symptoms that indicate nephrotoxic and / or ototoxic reactions.


hypersensitivity to bacitracin, neomycin, aminoglycoside antibiotics, excipients of the drug,

extensive skin lesions, since the absorption of the drug can cause an ototoxic effect, accompanied by hearing loss,

severe disorders of excretory function due to cardiac or renal failure in patients with pre-existing lesions of the vestibular and cochlear systems in cases where the absorption of the active components of the drug is possible.

infections of the external auditory canal with perforation of the eardrum,

application of the powder for the treatment of eye infections,

concomitant use with systemic aminoglycoside antibiotics (due to the risk of cumulative toxicity).

With caution: in patients with reduced liver and/or kidney function, acidosis, severe myasthenia gravis, or other neuromuscular diseases.


With systemic absorption of the active components, the simultaneous use of cephalosporins or aminoglycoside antibiotics may increase the likelihood of nephrotoxic reactions.

The simultaneous use of poroscopy® diuretics such as ethacrynic acid or furosemide, may provoke OTO - and nephrotoxic effect.

Absorption of the active components of the drug Baneocin® it may increase the effects of neuromuscular conduction blockade in patients receiving narcotic substances, anesthetics and / or muscle relaxants.

Undesirable effects

Adverse effects are listed in accordance with the WHO classification by frequency of their development as follows: very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 to <1/10), infrequent (≥1/1000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10000 to <1/1000), very rare (<1/10000), frequency unknown — according to available data, it was not possible to determine the frequency of occurrence.

The drug Baneocin® it is usually well tolerated when applied externally.

On the part of the immune system: rarely-allergic reactions (in the presence of allergic reactions to neomycin in the anamnesis, 50% of cases may develop cross-allergy to other aminoglycosides), the frequency is unknown-increased sensitivity to various substances, including neomycin (usually observed when used in the treatment of chronic dermatoses), in some cases, allergic reactions may look like the lack of effect from the therapy.

From the nervous system: the frequency is unknown — lesion of the vestibular nerve, neuromuscular blockade.

On the part of the organ of hearing and labyrinth disorders: frequency unknown-ototoxicity.

From the skin and subcutaneous tissues: rarely-allergic reactions, manifesting in the form of contact dermatitis, allergic reaction to neomycin, the frequency is unknown-allergic reactions in the form of redness and dryness of the skin, skin rashes and itching (with prolonged use).

From the kidneys and urinary tract: frequency unknown-nephrotoxicity.

If any of the side effects listed in the instructions are aggravated, or any other side effects are noted that are not listed in the instructions, you should immediately inform your doctor.

Therapeutic indications

Baneocin® It is indicated for use in infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to neomycin and / or bacitracin.

bacterial infections of the skin of limited prevalence, for example, wet contagious impetigo, infected trophic ulcers of the lower extremities, infected eczema, bacterial diaper dermatitis, bacterial complications of viral infections caused by Herpes simplex and Herpes zoster, including infection of vesicles in chickenpox,

prevention of umbilical infection in newborns,

prevention and treatment of infection after surgical (dermatological) procedures-Baneocin powder® it can be used for additional treatment in the postoperative period (after excision, cauterization, episiotomy, for the treatment of skin cracks, perineal rupture and wet wounds and sutures).

Pharmacotherapeutic group

  • Combined antibiotic [Aminoglycosides in combinations]
  • Combined antibiotic [Other antibiotics in combinations]

Pharmacodynamic properties

Baneocin® it is a combined antibacterial drug intended for topical use.

Baneocin® contains two bactericidal antibiotics: neomycin and bacitracin.

Bacitracin is a polypeptide antibiotic that inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis.

Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that inhibits bacterial protein synthesis.

Bacitracin is particularly active against Gram-positive microorganisms, such as beta-hemolytic streptococci, staphylococci, and some Gram-negative pathogens. Bacitracin resistance is extremely rare.

Neomycin is effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms.

Due to the use of a combination of these two substances, a wide spectrum of action of the drug and synergism of action against a number of microorganisms, such as staphylococci, are achieved.

Pharmacokinetic properties

Active substances are usually not absorbed (even by damaged skin), however, their high concentrations are present in the skin.

Baneocin® it is well tolerated. Tissue tolerance is regarded as excellent, inactivation by biological products, blood and tissue components is not noted. If the drug is applied to large areas of skin damage, the possibility of absorption of the drug and its consequences should be taken into account (see "Side Effects", "Interaction", "Contraindications" and "Special instructions").

Name of the medicinal product

Cicatrene (bacitracin_Neomycin)

Qualitative and quantitative composition

Bacitracin, Neomycin

Dosage (Posology) and method of administration


The powder is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas 2-4 times a day for adults and children from 1 day of life, if it is advisable-under a bandage. The area of application of the powder should not exceed 1% of the surface area of the body (which corresponds to the size of the patient's palm).

When applied topically, the dose of neomycin for adults and children under 18 years of age should not exceed 1 g / day (about 200 g of powder for external use) for 7 days.

Patients with impaired liver/kidney function, the elderly do not need to adjust the dose.