Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Allergic reactions are possible.
For internal use: gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, enterocolitis, flatulence, in the form of microclysm: spastic colitis, hemorrhoids, with topical use: infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs and oral cavity (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis, stomatitis, gingivitis), infections of the genitourinary system, for external use: dermatitis, trophic ulcers.
Chamomillae extract fluid
In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 12-15 °C.
Keep out of reach of children.
Shelf life of the preparation Chamomile extract liquid2 года.Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.
Chamomillae Floridis Extract
1 briquette is filled with 200 ml of boiling water, heated in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, filtered, brought to the original volume. Take warm inside, after eating 1/3-1/2 cup 3-5 times a day. Externally used for rinses, lotions and baths.
Inside, before eating, with a small amount of water, 40-60 drops 3 times a day. Externally, for rinsing (every 1-2 hours) and skin applications (with a frequency determined by the form of the disease) in the form of a 10% aqueous solution (1 part of the drug to 9 parts of boiled water at room temperature).
Inside, with gastrointestinal diseases-1/2 teaspoon of the solution, diluted in 200 ml of warm water, 2-3 times a day. The course is 2-3 weeks.
Externally, topically, for microclysms-dilute 1.5 tablespoons in 1 liter of water (used for rinsing, washing, instillation, compresses, tampons).