Acephen (nootropic)

Acephen (nootropic) Medicine


Expressed states of anxiety and excitement.

Undesirable effects

Sleep disorders, stomach pain, heartburn, increased appetite, increased anxiety, allergic skin reactions.

Therapeutic indications

Psychoorganic syndrome, cerebrovascular insufficiency, states of increased fatigue due to the progression of destructive changes in the brain.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

  • Nootropics

Pharmacodynamic properties

It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and activates metabolic processes.

Name of the medicinal product


Qualitative and quantitative composition


Dosage (Posology) and method of administration

Inside. The doses are selected individually, on average-0.25 g 2-3 times a day. The last dose is recommended to be used no later than 16 hours.